Vishwakala Project

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Description is an India Art, Architecture, History and Culture Study ICT Project is an initiative to develop a collaborative knowledge community through e content on India Art, Architecture, History and Culture Education Vishwakala Meaning Universal Art, is a R & D project initiated research on developing a large knowledge base and to sustain it on content centric micro revenue. The visual form of India Art is a global need in education, research and travel. After an initial online study, a field content team traveled India on a planned route, covering historical locations and obtaining visual content to develop a systematic knowledge base. Current content volume of covers over 30 historical locations of India with over 6000 systematically organized resources with photos, videos. Vishwakala Project helps develop culture education using ICT serving a global need.

What do we deliver

The content includes over 7000 photos, videos and text useful in studying India Art, Sculpture and Culture. The system provides systematic study of India heritage and culture for global audience. Currently the vishwakala project covers Ajantha, Ellora, Sanchi, Udayagiri, Vidisha, Delhi, Matura, Agra, Gwailior, Jhansi, Occha, Khajaraoh, Mahoba, Varanasi, Bothgaya, Culcuta, Konark, Puri, Visahakapatnam, Amarawathi, Tripathi, Trivendtam, Kanyakumari, Rameshwaram, Madura, Mamallipuram like historical locations

Why is the project unique? Serves Word Community with Culture Education Develops and Preserves World Culture using ICT innovatively. Provides a systematic study of India Culture in a new way. by creating largest photo archive on India Culture. Creating a valuable Global Art resource as e content. The technology innovation in managing mass content. Enables inclusion of users in knowledge creation. Multi Stake holder partnership and micro revenue for sustainability Quality of ICT and media use catering low and hi bandwidth Effort and Enthusiasm generated pn culture studies and research The system provided large content base for India Art and Culture education. The content has been covered in detail to facilitate in depth studies. It bridges the content gap. is accessible to word wide community. Facilities to use multi language enable reaching non English communities. Large no of India Culture and Aer Teachers and Students have become benefited with


Digital content is the most powerful form of content compared to any other, they help visual learning, interactivity, provide amusement, searchable, linkable and does not consume paper hence environment friendly, can be shared, transmitted, copied, and updated easily. Digital content can be delivered in PCs, internet, mobile and CD forms faster and cheaper than any other form. Digital content is also useful in archiving knowledge for future generations. Taking Shilpa Sayura Example Digital content can help empowering large number of marginalized communities who lack teachers, schools, labs and educational resources. The ease of replication is the power of digital content, it can reach people more easily. Digital content increase opportunities, bridge gaps in content and communities and help level the society. Digital content can be used in development of education at large as well as improving health, environment and employment creation. The formal and informal education and learning can be improved with Digital content. Digital content can help people to improve their productivity and make benefits. People become more knowledgeable with easy access to digital content. Digital content is a key for development. It’s the best way to knowledge transfer. Digital content has no barrier in reaching society at large.


Niranjan Meegammana

e-Fusion Pvt. Ltd.

67, Wanatha Rd, Gangodawila

Nugegoda, Sri Lanka


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