The Sealink 3D Racing iPhone-iPad game Developed by Spiel Studios Pvt Ltd
The Sealink is First of it’s kind 3D Racing game on the iPhone where-in the player can drive his/her favorite car on India’s Bandra-Worli Mumbai Sealink! The game has been conceptualized and developed by Spiel Studios with collaborative efforts of their Indian and International team members using the latest and advanced technologies available on the iPhone platform. The game uses advanced motion-controlled sensing technology with multi-touch support to give the player complete control of the game. The players can choose to drive officially licensed Maruti Suzuki cars, along with a F1 car and also the very popular Auto-rickshaw. Besides all this, the game also promotes the cause of ‘Don’t Drink & Drive’ through various messages in the game.
We develop quality games and offer game development services to International developers and publishers. Since we develop games for all platforms like Online, Mobile, PC, Handheld, we cover all target audience including casual and hardcore gamers.
Whom we deliver
The Sealink game is available worldwide from the Appstore, and people across all age groups and demographics have been downloading the game. Currently, the appstore is available in more than 90 countries.
Why is the project unique?
Game development in India is at a very nascent stage and still not popular as other fields. In India there are only a few handful of game development companies who are actively involved and treat gaming as their core business activity. Spiel’s latest game “The Sealink” is India’s first 3D iPhone racing game to be developed fully in India and published worldwide. It is the first game to have an Indian theme where-in the player can drive an Auto-rickshaw on Mumbai’s Bandra-Worli Sealink! The game got rave reviews and generated huge downloads.
India is among the top 3 users of mobile phones in the world. With the advent of 3G, the subscriber base is going to keep heading north. The infrastructure of the mobile network has improved substantially and covers most of the country’s geography and is being used by all age groups and all works of life including the masses. With 3G being activated across all networks, we will soon see a variety of products using this service. Firstly, video calling is on top of the list which will redefine communication. Video calls will become a standard protocol which will be used regularly. Mobile TV is another service which will soon gather traction and will become one of the most aspired product to have. Mobile trading already exists in parts, but it’s true potential is not yet tapped. Once government allows realtime trading on mobile phones, there will be plethora of new services which will open up for the industry. Content and application should be developed keeping in mind the upcoming technology and how it can be useful to the masses.
Mohit Sureka
Spiel Studios Pvt. Ltd.
7, Swastik Society, Gulmohar road, Vile Parle – W
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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