Film screenings towards Conservation Awareness.
Saiha located in Mizoram within north eastern India boasts of rich wildlife values within its tropical rain-forested landscape dotted with remotely located villages. These villages though small in size exert pressure on rare wildlife species by removing them from their natural habitat. We regularly screen films for children and elders on laptop computers in these villages that are bereft of even electricity. These wildlife films could focus on specific species or landscapes and could be of 30 to 40 minutes duration. These screenings lay an invigorating platform to deliberate issues sensitive to the audience like hunting and beliefs that lead to removal of wildlife from their habitats. This is a crucial breakthrough towards involving them in the long run in jointly conserving the wildlife values in the landscape.
What we deliver
In these remotely located villages (most of them bereft of electricity) we screen wildlife films on laptop computers to augment knowledge and sensitivity levels of people regarding wildlife.
Whom we deliver
These film screenings provide a platform for interactive discussions on wildlife that lay the foundation for involving the audience in sustainable conservation of wildlife they share the landscape with.
Why is the project unique?
Screening of wildlife films in villages remotely located within wildlife rich landscapes is we believe a unique project. Also the planned interaction sessions in context of wildlife that espouse these screenings are something we are not aware of happening elsewhere. While district headquarters in these hilly locations are bestowed with satellite televisions akin to cities in other parts of the country these villages are not; and while some of them may have electricity the supply is highly erratic. As we look on for other innovative mediums in this landscape where culture and language are very unlike our mainstream societies we believe that film screenings are the most pertinent of tools we currently use. Though it may be possible to take generators and screen these films on television sets by way of pick-up vehicles we believe this mode leaves a far lesser carbon imprint!
Information communication technology should be used to bring in relevant information to the remote interiors of our country where it is perhaps most needed! Towards this we do not need any new developments but just logical and sensitive application of existing technologies.
Nimesh Ved.
Samrakshan Charitable Trust
House 153, Near Tourist Lodge, New Saiha West.
Saiha, Mizoram, India