Interactive State of Environment (SoE) Atlas – India
The Interactive State of Environment Atlas comprises of a series of categorized, easy-to-read maps indicating the status of the environment. Brief descriptions of relevant sections and information are also included to provide people with a more informed idea of the status of environment. The Atlas will prove an invaluable tool to all planners, policy makers, academician, NGO’s and civil society organisations in providing accurate, timely and accessible information on various facets of green, blue and brown environmental issues. The major highlights of the interactive SoE Atlas are depicted below: • It provides swift and precise data on the State of Environment in India – by District and State • It lets you manoeuvre and visualize maps and data on green, blue and brown environmental issues • There are four broad themes for browsing. These are: General Characteristics, Environmentally Sensitive Zones, Environmental Quality, and Socio-Economic Profile • It depicts land related (green), water related (blue), and pollution related (brown) environmental issues under the Pressure – State – Impact – Response (PSRI) analytical framework • It visualizes geo-spatial information for experts, decision makers and general users • It is based on a dynamic and frequently updated data collection and reporting process of states and national level]
What we deliver
Data/information on green, blue and brown environmental issues o Pressure – State – impact – Response framework for priority themes o Thematic Maps which facilitates in decision making and planning
Whom we deliver
This project provides enough interactivity to the users. It provides query response service, scale dependent display of features and parameters. Users can view/play with maps using different tools like Pan, Zoom, Full Extent and Refresh. The data of Atlas is updated regularly on quarterly basis.
Why is the project unique?
This project is unique because, State of Environment (SoE) Atlas is the first web based digital atlas of India. It is very user friendly and allows internet access to mapped environmental, social and natural resource information. It also provides outputs in the form of spatial (maps), non-spatial (data) and bibliographic materials in an easy to use format in one place, so that it can be shared easily and quickly amongst government agencies, academicians, planners, civil society and NGO’s.
Our vision is to provide spatial and non spatial data to create interactive maps. Using advance computing technology and web GIS, these interactive maps can be shared with various decision makers and stakeholders for development.
Mr. Anand Kumar
Society for Development Alternatives
B-32, TARA Crescent Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi, India
URL/Website –