Pocket Travel Assistant
Pocket Travel Assistant (PTA) is a Freeware for Flash Lite 3x enabled mobiles that offers one stop solution for all the information needs by a traveler. Name any major city/town in the world and PTA will provide every possible information for that place which will be needed by a traveler. The application combines data from Google Maps, Yahoo, Flickr, Wikipedia, BBC, Reuters, Twitter, YouTube and many more to provide users with all the relevant data needed for their journey plan. Some of the important features of Pocket Travel Assistant are as follows: Emergency Information Emergency information for local doctor, local emergency no.s, helpline, police, medical facilities and clinics etc.(with street address, phone number and map) Location information Location information such as (street address, phone number and Google Map) for shops& malls, station& airports, institutions, hotels & restaurants, govt. offices and police, hospitals and banks and many more etc. Wikipedia Info Wikipedia details for the location such as history, demography, culture, landmarks, which will be useful for the traveller to know more about the place. Location related Images Flickr image results for the location, so that the user can see current images related to the location. There is a separate search section for custom searches. Location related Videos YouTube video results for the location. So that he can enjoy videos related to that location, to get a more clear idea about the place. Weather Details Weather details for the location such as Temperature, Humidity, Air-pressure and the Weather-condition. Translation Tool Language Translation using Google Translation for English to major languages like Greek, Spanish, Chez, Russian, French etc. so that the traveller can translate the written scripts and have a better understanding of his surrounding Local News of the Area Local News related to the location can be tracked to know more about recent happenings surrounding the location. News and RSS Feeds News and Feeds section provides more than 50 categories from international news: from BBC, Reuters, Yahoo, CNN and many more related to headlines, finance, sports, health, science and technology and environment and many more. Currency Converter Currency Converter tools to allow user to convert money amount in any of the 48 major world currencies with in a few clicks. All currency calculations are done based on most recent currency rates. Currency Rates section lists all the currency values from 48 major currencies. Project Gutenberg e-books M- book library (Project Gutenberg ebooks ): To pass leisure time traveler can read from classic works from thousand books available at Project Gutenberg under M- book library section. Search books by title or author name or even the latest 10 books from Gutenberg. Directly read the books in PTA and bookmark. Publish to Social Community-Twitter Twitter : Under section ‘connect and publish’ user can post to his Twitter account or just read messages from his friends at Twitter. Also there is an innovative way to post about what you are doing. If allowed the PTA can post some messages related to what you are doing while using PTA like reading a book, watching a video at YouTube, local weather details etc. so you do not need to type every time what you are doing. Search Tools Search Tools to search for images from Flickr, Videos from YouTube, Information from Wikipedia. (this is a separate section from the location specific results from these services) More details: The slideshare link is http://www.slideshare.net/MobileWish/mobilewish-pocket-travel-assistant-the-world-in-your-pocket-25-may-09 Press Story: http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090601/jsp/nation/story_11041474.jsp SCREENCAST at YouTube (No audio) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H6cOmWEWFY
What we deliver?
This is mostly a service oriented mobile application. The target users of this application are travelers who journey across globe in different countries. The travelers get latest location specific info starting from street address, phone numbers, maps, landmarks, history, culture, weather, local news and happenings. It also provides content in the areas like m-books, where the user can download specific content to use off line.
Why is the project unique?
This application is unique in its concept, as it provides a mobile mash-up of all the non-mobile data sources to make it available on mobile that are useful for any traveler to get the real time data about any specific locations round the globe. The idea was to provide the traveler one stop solution in all his travel needs. The application usage can be helpful in improving tourism and travel sector.
Samir Kumar Dash
S-5, Second Floor, RNR Enclave, 3rd Cross, Munnekolala, Marathahalli, Bangalore – 560 137
URL/Website – www.mobilewish.com