PRISMS (Prison Management System)
PRISMS – Prisons Management System is a jail booking and management system that provides information on incarcerated adults and juveniles. With 100% implementation across all jails and judicial lockups today PRISMS has also covered 100% functionalities concerning the prisoner. Being a web based centralized system PRISMS ensures availability of online data 24X7. Each process has been molded in the work flow which also helps track delay in completion of the same. It’s not just computerization but complete automation and an intelligent system which calculates the sentences, remission, release dates automatically and without human errors. Well placed data interaction between modules also ensures that redundant data entry is avoided. PRISMS is designed with easy to use menus and a comprehensive security system. Data is entered in a natural flow without unnecessary repetition. PRISMS reports provide reliable and timely information on all aspects of Prisoner management including inmate personal property, visitor activity, mental and medical health information, inmate movements in and out of the facility, commissary inventory and inmate purchases, medication updates, remission, parole and furlough, case and crime info, and population statistics. With all functional modules and 100% implementation PRISMS delivers what is called an efficient e-Governance product.
What we deliver
Services Provided: Modules used by the Jail Staff/Officials: Prisoner Info Management Module PRISMS Fingerprint Management Module Admission & Release Module Court Information Management Module Prisoners Property Management Module Prisoners Cash Management Module Prison Pharmacy Management Module Prisoners Medical Management Module Prisoners Work Allotment & Monitoring Module Prisoners Transfer Management Module Parole and Furlough Management Module Remission Management Module Gate Management Module Victim Compensation Module Commissary (Canteen) Management Module Duty Register Module SMS Based Escape Alert Module Visitor Management module Reform Activity Module Grievance Redressal Module Modules used by the Prisoners: Touch Screen Kiosk Module
Whom we deliver
Officials/ Staff of Prisons Department and Touch Screen Kiosk Module is used by the Prisoners for knowing their PPC/PDR etc.
Why is the project unique?
This software provides the basic information of the prisoners, case and visit details.
In Aug 2008 PRISMS software was proposed which would facilitate availability of detailed information about each prisoner at any point and place. The system would help in increasing the efficiency of the concerned staff and all related processes of the Prisons. PRISMS software was proposed with the sole motive to improve the administrative functionalities of the office of Inspector General of Prisons and bring about a transparency in the system with precise implementation of the set rules and laws. Another main objective was to make the data readily available to the concerned authorities to facilitate easy, efficient and accurate decision making.
Shri. R. Mihir Vardhan
Inspector General of Prisons
Office of Inspector General of Prisons, Collectorate Building
Panjim, Goa, India
URL/Website –