Single Window System

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The Single window project developed by BSNL Bangalore Telecom district (BSNL BGTD) is the initiative taken by BGTD in addressing the needs of its business customers namely the telephone users , the organization consisting of end users spread across different geographical locations of Bangalore and on different operational areas, and the management, under one common umbrella. Using the IT Tool Single window, BSNL BGTD could improve their business approach, monitor the performance and take remedial measures in time to arrest the decline if any of its customer base. It allows the organization to try different strategies to improve the business, analyze the reports, measure the results and try alternates, thus giving continuous feedback to the growth of the organization. On its employees welfare front , the IT Tools have considerably improved their approach in carrying out their day today business activities, providing better customer service to their business customers thus getting the sense of satisfaction in meeting the demands of their business customers in a better manner. The time thus saved is better utilized in horning their skills. The Management gets an effective tool to monitor the performance on real time, on day today basis & take steps to achieve the best business. The telephone customers are provided with better service utilizing the IT tools. Thus the customers enjoy the care and comfort , and find the best value for their money in taking service from such a IT enabled organization.

What we deliver

A few of value added services provided to customers are given below: SMS based telephone bill SMS based Broad band usage alert Launching of new products ( sms alerts) Telephone bills through e-mail Booking of new connection through SMS Booking of fault reporting mechanism through SMS Web based booking for service/maintenance support Online Bill payment Through the SMS based alerts customers can raise the lead for any service without the need to come to BSNL office, this gets registered in this online application. The sales team accesses this information on their respective places through the WAN setup and thus the customers get the sales team person at their door step. The status of the request is updated by the sections responsible for the action and SMS based alerts are available to customers at every stage of activity , updating the customer of the status of their request , and hence no need to contact any BSNL member to know the status. Telephone Bills through Email, apart from saving cost is an eco friendly measure taken by BSNL towards preserving nature.

Whom we deliver

Mainly the Employees/Management of BSNL Bangalore Telecom District. The modules are so vividly done that some modules are straight away put to use across Pan India and some after customizing, meeting the local requirement. Some of the modules are accessed by customers through web based tool, and some by the business partners of BSNL Bangalore

How is the project unique?
Providing a GUI based interface to interact customized applications running on legacy servers , without resorting to re-writing of applications involving huge cost. The application is scalable , initially started with modules catering to basic requirements, and has grown into a part of the organization with 100+ modules running successfully on it. Since it is in-house developed, the perceptions of the end users are rightly understood and care is taken to meet their total requirements.


Taking the modules developed by BSNL Bangalore across PAN INDIA. Though the Single window IT Tool was developed keeping in mind the requirements of BSNL Bangalore, many of its tools are used across the country by many BSNL units.


BSNL Bangalore Telecom District
Mr. Shubhendu Ghosh, Principal General Manager
#1, Telephone House, Raj Bhavan Road, Bangalore Karnataka – 560001
URL/Website –

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