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To compete with the growing digital innovations, Bangladesh government has taken the bold step by initiating Digital Bangladesh 2021 vision with the objective of introducing digitalized services all across Bangladesh. SSLCOMMERZ emerged as the country first online payment gateway, opening the door for merchants and other organizations to accept payments on the internet. SSLCOMMERZ is an online merchant service provider (MSP) where any merchants, utility companies, business houses can receive payments on the internet over their online stores or websites. The customers are able to make payments using their credit cards, debit cards, and bank accounts. The payment details submitted by the customers are transferred securely to the customers banks to perform the transactions. Several prominent organizations like, Champs21, Ramakrishna Mission have connected to SSLCOMMERZ, facilitating online payment for their customers/donors/citizens. SSLCOMMERZ maintains highest internet security for processing customer data. It uses VeriSign SSL certificates which are the most effective internet security provider. The customer payment is processed securely and in real time. They can use MasterCard, Visa,DBBL Nexus, or Brac Bank ATM cards to purchase items. More banks will be connected very soon to SSLCOMMERZ like EBL, Prime Bank, the City Bank with Amex card.

What we deliver

Online Payment Services through the use of credit and debit cards Connecting online stores to payment processors to process electronic payment Connecting to Telecom operators to provide mobile top up

Whom we deliver

1. Online Stores 2. Airlines 3. Charity Organizations 4. Domain Registration Sites 5. Educational Sites 6. Mobile Top Up service providers

How is the project unique?

SSL COMMERZ is the first and only platform which is providing the merchant payment gateway service in our country. Still now, this is a unique service. But, nothing can be unique if some other starts to copy this. Before launching this service, we surveyed the market and collected the information related to online payment. We know that to make e-business sector more digital there is no other option except online payment. So, we move forward for this unique project. This idea is innovative because of the following reasons: – Any types of website can integrate with SSL COMMERZ. – The merchants don’t need to have their dedicated server and hosting. – Multiple banks are integrated in this site. – Consumers have different options to pay (e.g. VISA Card, MASTER Card, DBBL NEXUS Card). Even, if the consumers don’t have any credit or debit card, they can pay from their online bank account. – Different kinds of CMS like Presta Shop, osCommerce, Magento etc. developed in any language like PHP, ASP, ROR can integrate with SSL COMMERZ platform. – SSL COMMERZ Gateway is HTTPS platform which is secured by VeriSign. So, there is no chance of hacking. SSL COMMERZ is the platform where the consumers can uses their local cards for online transaction which is first time ever in Bangladesh


We are still trying to educate and aware many merchants who do not understand or know the benefits of e-commerce or how does it work. We are planning to run awareness campaigns to bring them under e-commerce. We are also trying to bring different banks under SSLCOMMERZ as acquirers. As the number of banking instruments increase, the number of usage will also increase.


Software Shop Limited (SSL Wireless)
Shahzada redwan
93 B, New Eskaton Road Dhaka Bangladesh 100000
URL/Website –

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