Whitedrums.com started as a citizen reporting site to help non-journalists to report and submit news, views, etc., happening in their neighborhood. Now it is a general news and media website where those news and stories are either specifically written for the site or shared from other sources on the site. This is a single platform where everyone and anyone can submit news, information, etc., without any fears of it not being published. A truly democratic form of sharing news and views, free for all. We are the first in India to start this concept, though it was conceptualized in 2003, it was launched in Dec 2005.
What do we deliver?
Our target groups are everybody. All those who are seeking news, information and/or wish to share their information as well. Yes we offer content, news, videos and so on to our readers and visitors.
Whom we deliver?
End users are present all over the world. We have readers accessing the site from every country on Earth.
How is the project unique?
Besides being the first to start the concept of citizen reporting, our news site is like an open source and everything published on it is for creative commons as well. It is a genuine platform for anyone to provide information and remain elusive if they wish to or give them full credits if they want to. It Is more like citizens networking and sharing news, information for all, freely.
Our roadmap is to spread the awareness further related to sharing news, information, etc., for all to read. And make this commercially viable company without compromising on our initial visions, goals and criteria.
Biren Shah, Dhara Kothari
8, Alankar bldg., 31 Balaram street, Grant road (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400007
URL/Website – http://whitedrums.com