ZipDial is an interactive platform over mobile that works through missed calls from users. The number being called by user has a predefined function that gets invoked when any user calls. Say if you want to request for latest stock market updates, you simply ZipDial (missed call) on the number for stocks. Similarly, the platform can used for knowing banking details or mandi rates for farmers or conducting quick surveys. The fact that it doesn’t need to connect the call makes it free for users and since the information is delivered only on request, the user is in full control of timing and frequency. Given that number literacy is higher than language literacy, the platform allows for inclusion of people of all education levels to make a request.
What we deliver
ZipDial essential is a intent capturing platform. Once a user ZipDial’s the requested content can be delivered over SMS or through a voice call back. There may be a corresponding service that is triggered in the back end.
Whom we deliver
The end users who ZipDial are mobile users from across India. There are different kinds of services tat they ZipDial for. These services are for our customers like – Nasscom, P&G, LG Mobile, Kingfisher, Grameen Kutto Dev. Trust, Times Internet Limited.
How is the project unique?
It is a toll free system for all users, yet it is pull based, the user is in complete control. The fact that it is technology/handset/operator/geography independent allows for 100% participation from mobile users, and landline phones as well.
Long term vision: To make ZipDial available for all non-P2P communication happening in India.
ZipDial Mobile Solutions,
No. 63, 3rd Floor, RMZ GATEWAY,
100 Feet Road, 4th Block Koramangala, Above Sapphire Toys, Sony World Signal,
Bangalore – 560034, India.