mBillionth Award winners 2012
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Prognosis : Your Diagnosis
Prognosis is a medical edutainment application. Its use makes learning medical-related topics, ordering tests or figuring out treatments a lot of fun. This interactive application contains over 60 cases, each representing a common clinical scenario. One learns the scenario by playing a game. In each game, doctors are initially shown the ‘history’ and the results of ‘tests’ by virtually examining a patient. The doctor has to figure out, from a list, which tests to perform on the patient and which treatments to apply. The game then ‘judges’ the doctor’s performance and lets him know how well he did, what went wrong or right. The entire narrative is based on cartoons and animations. Read more >>

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P-HMMS Project
P-HMMS (Health Management and Monitoring system) is a mobile application that can be loaded on a low-cost mobile phone. This application provides featured services. With it, you can enroll new ante-natal mothers, remind people their HIV test or their monthly ART visit is due, send alerts to women approaching delivery and ascertain that safe delivery kits are available. You can also send alerts that children need testing. In these ways, P-HMMS enables extremely good health service delivery. Read more >>

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E-Mamta- Mother & Child Tracking System
E-Mamta, a mother-and-child tracking web-based application, is an initiative of the Government of Gujarat. It involves name-based tracking of pregnant women for antenatal care, delivery and prenatal care. E-Mamta tracks children for immunization and nutrition, adolescents for reproductive and child health services and eligible couples for family planning. Recently, the E-Mamta system has been extended to integrate mobile devices and applications for wider outreach. This application covers all citizens of Gujarat that are covered under the Family Health Survey scheme. e potential benefits of this application are better control on estimates of infant and maternal mortality and reportage/collation into one site. Read more >>

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Clinic on the Go (Special Mention)
Idea Brahma Consulting has produced the world class clinic management system as ‘Vbond Vita’ for doctors and clinics on tablets, smart phones and web. With Vita, doctors can “Carry their Clinic” anytime, anywhere to manage patients, electronic medical record, e-prescription, referrals, appointments, Lab Management among others. Vbond Vita has comprehensive features to manage customer relationships for hospitals, diagnostic centers and health and wellness center. The solution is based on zero IT Capital infrastructure and compliments maintenance and Value Added Services for patients to improve loyalty and stickiness to the system. Read more >>

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Nano Ganesh
Nano Ganesh is a GSM Mobile-based remote control system exclusively for water pump sets used in agricultural areas. It allows farmers and irrigation operators to use mobile phones to remotely monitor irrigation systems in even hazardous and remote areas. This service connects farmers’ mobile phones to electric pumps in their fields, allowing them to remotely ‘call’ the irrigation system rather than manually turning on each pipe. This automated mobile technology has proven to be a low-cost wireless solution, saving enormous amount of water, electricity, fuel, time, labour and soil erosion. One of its kind, Nano Ganesh is especially designed to be robust, to perform efficiently in the rural context where problems like voltage fluctuations, open wiring and marshy terrain are common. Read more >>

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Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (Special Mention)
The Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) mobile application is a one-stop reference point for all farmers of India. This mobile application enables the user to capture the attendance of the farmers at a meeting, the image of the group and the image of the land where the meeting was conducted, including MoM (Minutes of meeting). It also allows the user to capture the data of farmers experimenting with the 7-tier cropping model, and also to track the income generated from each crop as well as consolidated expenses incurred. In addition, the mobile application captures the data of the products available and the income generated from them. It has an input data sheet which explains the expenditure incurred and the gross, net incomes from a special crop. This application also helps in capturing the image of each compost pit and enters the number of fillings of the pit farmerwise, information regarding facilities provided to poorest of the poor households. Read more >>

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Integrated MFI-LifeLine Mobile Platform
Universal Mobile MFI Channel is a platform that connects micro-finance institutions (MFIs)and their loan officers to those who have taken a loan, largely women beneficiaries, at BoP through mobile phones. This product can be installed from an MFI’s administrative system with the help of an active user. The present set of application supports BREW (Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless)- based application for CDMA platform. Java and Android Platformbased applications are still under development. Universal Mobile MFI provides women with two kind of connected services. Firstly, financial services that provide information related to their account, loans, payments, due instalment, balance, or receipts. Secondly, it provides non-financial services, also known as lifeline services: customized needs of women related to health, livelihood opportunities, education, even disaster preparedness. Read more >>

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SMS for Deaf Blind (Special Mention)
There are half a million children in India who are deaf and blind, and very few of them can afford the costly Braille device. The rest cannot communicate without the help of care gift. But software launched by BAPSI has given a turn-around to the differently-abled person’s life. It has enabled them to communicate easily, like any one. The introduction of unique software ‘text-to-speech screen reading’ has really meant that the gap between the sighted and the blind has shrunk dramatically.
The application is developed for Android smartphones, which are generally cheaper than iPhones. The application converts text into Morse code vibrations so that users can “feel” the message. The target market is the marginalized population of children with mental challenges, persons with multiple and severe disabilities, persons who are both deaf and blind. Read more >>

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mBillionth Award winners 2012
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